Publication date 1904 Topics Bible Publisher London : British and Foreign Bible Society Collection trinitycollege; toronto Contributor Trinity College - University of Toronto Language English; Ancient Greek Item Size 1.3G
Addeddate 2006-09-02 18:03:14 Bookplateleaf 0004 Call number AMZ-0853 Camera 5D Copyright-evidence Evidence reported by scanner-scott-cairns for item biblentgreektext00nestuoft on Aug 31, 2006; no visible notice of copyright and date found; stated date is 1904; not published by the US government; Have not checked for notice of renewal in the Copyright renewal records. Copyright-evidence-date 2006-08-31 00:25:44 Copyright-evidence-operator scanner-scott-cairns Copyright-region US External-identifier urn:oclc:record:733552843 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier biblentgreektext00nestuoft Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t3ws8hs9h Lcamid 1020705226 Ocr tesseract 5.0.0-1-g862e Ocr_detected_lang el Ocr_detected_lang_conf 1.0000 Ocr_detected_script Arabic Ocr_detected_script_conf 0.5768 Ocr_module_version 0.0.15 Ocr_parameters -l eng+grc Openlibrary_edition OL7032481M Openlibrary_work OL7584505W Page_number_confidence 94 Page_number_module_version 1.0.5 Pages 692 Pdf_module_version 0.0.18 Possible copyright status NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Ppi 400 Rcamid 1020707127 Scandate 20060831145845 Scanner ias10 Scanningcenter uoft
Full catalog record MARCXMLReviewer: dhermanson - favorite favorite favorite favorite - December 11, 2015
Subject: Personal Apologetics in Place of Reviews
This work is a competent scholarly attempt to provide a transparently reasoned N.T. text drawing upon ancient sources - all of which show evidence of copyist mistakes and changes. When Nestle chooses, he makes his choice plain. Is it perfect? No, but no human effort is perfect. Is it competent? Very. Can it be improved? Yes, successive editions have further improved the critical apparatus and revised a few of the choices made. If you can't afford the latest edition, this is an acceptable alternative.
We are told in Mat. 18:20 that Jesus said, ". where two or three have met together in my name, I will be among them" [NEB]. What is very clear from these supposed reviews is that wherever two or three fundamentalists are found, a verbose controversy is in the making.
The simple fact is that the Nestle-Aland (a later edition of this work) is used by thousands of scholars and students around the world for the study of biblical history and N.T. theology. The reason why is simple. Nestle, and the later editions have clear, concise apparatus to identify the sources of the text, significant variants and language that is obscure. The fact that it is based on an examination of multiple ancient sources is it strength.
Those unwilling to accept the historical fact that we do not have pristine original texts underlying the N.T. have the option of choosing from among hundreds of variants, or may choose to fix upon the translation of their choice. If you want to give a review, of course you have that option, but must you use review space to argue ad nauseum and proselytise?
Reviewer: SitchinLied - favorite - March 12, 2013
Subject: It's only if you care. about your own soul
In contrast to the myths and the errant Greek manuscripts that Nestle used ( and persuaded others yearning for acceptance to use – see further below), The material and documentation of Gail Riplinger ;. who wrote about New Age Bible Versions and her Free videos ;. should be mandatory for all those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ, and also for those who aspire to truth, or who are seeking accurate answers ; about the Bible, whether you agree with her or not.
Truth – real actual, outside-of-yourself, objective truth – God's Truth, has nothing to be afraid of. Some messages and facts are larger than the messenger, and this is true in Gail's case also. So if truth upsets you, or you are working for a spirit-guide, then fall back asleep, but only at your own risk. There are forces that DO NOT want you to WAKE UP. They do not want you to THINK. They do NOT want you to ASK QUESTIONS. You are involved in spiritual warfare, just by reading.
I will not tell you that Gail is perfect, but who is ? I would prefer a flawed human, who actually wants to do what is right, who tries to do gurnall ; what is right, and who is trying to catch up on history, manuscript studies ; paleography, study of ancient Greek ; or Hebrew ; . I would prefer someone MAKE the attempt ; and fail, rather than be like most pew-warming FALSE christians;, millions of whom; are surely headed for a lake of fire, while telling themselves ; that that they are saved ; offering not the slightest proof nor demonstration of this, who have no conscience, no understanding of the Bible, no ability to know, learn or discern what is the theology of God, versus what are false theologies.
If you assert that you have the status of being regenerated or Christian, and you actually are NOT (a Christian in the eyes and evaluation of God, who actually does know your spiritual state) , then the assertion does NOT make you a Christian ;. It simply means that your claims to be a christian are part of your own self-deception ;. The New Testament refers to those hundreds of millions of people as being part of the great falling away. Be sure you know who you are trusting ;
The old debates used to be about Christianity ; versus other religions. Now the issue is about What KIND of Christianity one has. And there is now MUCH more occultism ;, [ spiritism ; = demon possession] far more plain [[ demonic material, (SRA)]]; and much more FALSE miracles – You-Tube ;. [[ FALSE signs and wonders ]]; and many people who are simply possessed who are now simply part of their so-called [[ counterfeit local ]]; congregations. They are also among those who will take a mark on their right hand or forehead soon enough, and they will also believe the soon arriving false Messiah ; who rules from ;. Rome ; from Babylon ; . (Layard);. or Jerusalem ;. and whose plan involves getting through the time of Jacob's Trouble ;, (which is projected to be around seven years ;.). True Christians already know, as soon as you try to do what is right, as soon as you try to actually have a ministry, and especially if you are critical of other ;. ministries ;which are false ; or antiscriptural, ;, (Bickle, etc) you can be sure that spiritual forces will be evident in your life to begin resisting what you are doing, to s l o w you down and to stop your work, your ministry, your efforts and any results you might have hoped for.
This is why we are told to contend EARNESTLY ; for the true faith. Gail is not That rare truth-teller C Cumbey ;, nor as controversial as another Christian, Kay Griggs ;. (who tells the truth about leaders that Christians should have the courage to hear), nor quite as focused in her approach as the reliable historian Richard ;. Bennett ;. However the forces that Gail describes are real, their falsehoods are revealed here ;. also ;, for example, the work of the apostate false translator Kittel ;. ( Who admitted that he rejected the Old Testament, the claims of Jesus, and therefore the New Testament also ) ;.
So it is no wonder that wherever truth ; has actually managed to survive, there are many forces attempting to distract ;. and prevent people from even watching ;, or learning, so they can make up their own mind, for themselves. There are good teachers here, and the material ; that is contained ; in her ;. book ; about New Age versions remains accurate. Westcott and Hort despised Christians, and especially evangelicals. That reality seems to false evangelical leaders ; [ including Seminary professors ; and many Pastors ; ( false shepherds ; ) ] to use Westcott-Hort ;material , sources, and books (including false ancient greek texts) but only if the congregations are not informed of the the sources ;. of the material.
Is it possible that It is up to you, personally and individually, to consciously know what you believe spiritually, and know and find out for a fact what is true spiritually, and what is not true ? Yes, so If you get that part of your understanding of the Universe wrong;, you alone will pay the consequences;. This is WHY people who care about you tell you, and ask you, and recommend to you, that you read the Bible, often starting in the New Testament with the Gospel of John ( which is often a good place to start). If anyone told you not to worry about genuine spiritual accuracy, if a priest or pastor told you that you do not have to worry about it, then you were lied to ;– at that very moment. Now you and your eternity (and where you will spend it) hangs in the balance.
You are entirely 100% totally liable for every decision you make about whether to find God or reject Him, and whether to seek truth or not. A decision to ignore the data will simply be a definitely wrong decision. God knows you read these words, and He reads your heart, your mind and your thoughts. Chose what you want, but know that that you will have the consequences of your choice. Freedom of choice, means that YOU get the freedom to chose, your eternal destiny, and how to alter that destiny, if you chose. Freedom of choice means you chose and then you are also collecting the consequences of your choice. So chose wisely.
I cannot specifically speak to Gail's later material, but as for the 4 videos about versions of the Old and New Testaments, they are on track. Those videos (mp4) need to be watched by anyone in ministry, and anyone seeking truth. Certainly it is SAD that most pastors are too afraid, too gutless, too many cowards for most of them to personally study or deal with theses issues.
I guess for them, Jesus told them to go out into the world and preach the gospel, UNLESS ---> it was controversial, unless ---> they had to take a risk, unless ---> they valued their paycheck more than Jesus, unless ---> they might upset their main financial church contributor [isn't that idolatry, placing that individual ABOVE Jesus Christ, as the ruler of THAT local church . Chosing between Jesus or Mamon (love of money), is the choice that hard, really ? if you are truly a real and authentic Christian . ]
Many pastors and even youth leaders are uncomfortable reading this right now, because they know this is true, and many of them are recognizing the truth about their Seniour Pastors. You are being led by those who are VERY willing to lead you astray ;, by departing from the New Testament. There is a subtle seduction by which the junior leadership ; in churches are both pressured and seduced into SILENCE, so that Pastors are NOT confronted Biblically, which they should be by other leaders in the church, and so the entire church is compromised, first by the Senior leadership, but then further by the OTHER leaders (even Laymen leaders) who refuse to stand for truth, and are willing to put their own congregation in the way of HARM, in many ways and on many levels. To act in that manner is a betrayal of their office and a further betrayal of Jesus Christ. And for many, You KNOW this applies to You and your choices. You know who you are ;.
Do yourself and your spiritual future a favor: REVERSE your stand, get some guts, repent ;
of your own betrayal of Jesus through compromised leadership, compromised leadership ; and START doing the right thing, by confronting FALSE and wrong leaders in the church and congregations you are. Jesus rocked the boat, every day that he woke up and taught TRUTH and commitment to God.
When Pastoring becomes about the money, and when Seminaries professors are paid high salaries, given tenure, comfort and status, they seem to STOP caring ; about the spiritual wellbeing of those they are supposed to be helping ;. And that seems to happen real fast, (and even faster in official or state sponsored or state funded churches or denominations).
Yes, the road to hell, paved with good intentions ;, and full of pretty sights, sounds, and counterfeit ;. signs and wonders ; apparently runs through the doors and sanctuary of many churches, as Gail and her material has demonstrated and documented. Now if you feel comfortable, enough to ignore BOTH the information, and the steps needed to inform yourself, then I guess you have just declared where your allegiance is, and is not. Don't worry, Free drugs, Free demons ;. and a little mark needed to buy and sell ;. will be actually really here shortly to minister to your short term needs. Let those who think that modern versions are authentic, deal with the actual questions raised, and then test themselves against the results. Those who truly believe that they have the truth have nothing to fear. On the other hand, being deceived, and having mistakenly chosen (consciously or not) to believe falsehoods ; by your seminary-trained Pastors ;,THAT may have an impact on your eternal understanding, reaching far beyond your current perception. Some people wanted God to take His hands and control off the planet. He should no longer interfere, but let humans show ;that they can actually run and direct the planet ;, without God ;. Very soon, that ; will be the reality.
He is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep, in order to gain that which he cannot lose. It is time to give up the old idols of professor-worship, and the comfort of official church salaries. Honor God instead of seeking your own material comfort, even under the guise of seeking pastorates. Don't compromise on truth-seeking just because you are longing to be recognized as a young leader. Take time to know God. Give Him a chance to show what He can do in your life. Study the lives of those who came before you. Time seems to be in short supply. Seek truth. Ask God to help you.
Reviewer: validdays - - October 2, 2012
Subject: So If Nestle's text is new and false, then who is better ?
Care to do serious study and ask hard questions ??
For those who are interested in spiritual depth and personal spiritual growth, a few other books may be of real help to you. [ Free in all formats, including PDF and Kindle]
For the issues of Today’s church, a few works about the Modern dangers of some of the excesses found in many the Charismatic or other groups may inform you about the origins, the roots, the theology and the implications of some of these new streams of spirituality, such as:
[ A Planned Deception, the staging of a New Age Messiah) ].
(or see the Historic perspetive on who is the real Messiah)
(( Please note that NOT ALL Charismatic or Pentecostal groups or churches are bad or teach errant doctrine. [some change or improve 4 the better].. However it is important to check on the details of where you worship, fellowship and learn, so that you can be sure that you are receiving sound doctrine (Titus 1:9 and not those in Tim 4: 3-4). ))
For the history of Biblical teachings, (also known as Doctrine), some of the works of George Stanley Faber (and others) may be of encouragement.
For those interested in the deeper background of the Old Testament scripture [ keep in mind that 40% to 60% of the New Testament is the Old Testament requoted]. Everything done in the New Testament is still being done in relation to the Old Testament. ( Note: Those who know almost nothing about the Old Testament section of the Bible would do well to start reading and re-reading both in the book of Psalms and the book of Proverbs).
The issue of Bible versions still remains popular and a subject for study: