Guide to Taking the Ages and Stages Questionnaire® (ASQ)

Guide to Taking the Ages and Stages Questionnaire® (ASQ)

Seeing a child smile for the first time, sit up, or take their first steps are some of the most exciting moments for families and childcare providers. Since children spend so much time with their childcare providers, you play a significant role in ensuring they reach those exciting developmental milestones.

Your work may involve observing and screening the children in your care for behavioral or developmental delays with resources like the Ages and Stages Questionnaire® (ASQ).

The ASQ® is a great tool that can help screen for developmental delays in child behavior and provide resources to concerned families hoping to help their child reach their milestones.

Read on to learn more about the ASQ® screening, how to assess children's development, and what you can do to prepare yourself and your families for the ASQ® assessment.

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What is developmental screening and why is it important?

Developmental screening is a process that monitors how children develop within the domains of child development (i.e. physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and language.) Developmental screening identifies children who may be at risk for health conditions or developmental delays and need additional resources and support in the classroom.

Most importantly, developmental screening can catch any delays early and provide children with the appropriate resources they need to meet important milestones. For example, an ASQ® screening in an early education setting can identify any developmental delays, learning disorders, or behavioral or social-emotional problems in the crucial time before kindergarten, providing children with access to early intervention services like speech or physical therapy.

Early childhood educators can also use the results of a developmental screening like the ASQ® screening to inform activities that can be used in the classroom and at home and meet all of their children’s needs. For example, if a child has trouble with some skills, teachers can incorporate age-appropriate activities and games that can boost children’s development and share additional learning activities that families can practice at home.

Enhance learning outcomes with brightwheel's progress report feature. Quickly document children's progress toward developmental milestones directly from the app and share progress reports instantly with families, fostering open communication and partnership.

What is the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)®?

The Ages and Stages Questionnaire® (ASQ®) is a developmental and social-emotional screening for children from birth to six years of age. The purpose of the screening is to highlight or detect developmental delays with the help of families and early educators.

There are a few variations of the ASQ® screenings. However, this article will specifically focus on the ASQ-3® screening, which focuses on five key areas:

There are 21 ASQ-3® questionnaires for children from birth to five-and-a-half years of age.

1. Use ASQ® Online or the ASQ® calculator to select the questionnaire that matches your children’s ages.

2. Distribute the questionnaire to your children’s families online, by mail, or in person.

3. Have your children’s families complete the questions for each key area of the questionnaire. As they take 10–15 minutes to complete the questionnaire, they'll answer a series of questions based on their daily interactions with their child. In addition, an overall section at the end of the questionnaire asks general questions about the child. If families are unsure of the answer to a question, they can partake in the activity with their child to help them answer it.

4. Once families have completed the questionnaire, they'll return it to you for scoring. Each answer is assigned a numerical value. Scores are tallied in the five developmental areas using the following point value system :