Right of first offer to purchase clause samples

47.RIGHT OF FIRST OFFER TO PURCHASE. Landlord grants to Tenant a one-time right of first offer to purchase the property (including the land, the Building, all other improvements and appurtenances thereto) (the “Purchase ROFO”) if Landlord elects during the term to sell, transfer or otherwise convey the property. Prior to entering into any legally binding agreement with, or granting any legally binding, unconditional rights to, a third party to purchase or acquire title to the Parcels, Landlord shall notify Tenant (the “Purchase ROFO Notice”). The Purchase ROFO Notice shall set forth in reasonable detail the terms and conditions on which Landlord is prepared to sell the property, including the purchase price, the due diligence period, the closing period, the encumbrances to which title will be subject at closing, material conditions to closing, material closing cost allocations. If requested by Tenant, Landlord also shall provide Tenant with (i) copies of all of Landlord's most recent title reports, surveys, environmental reports, property condition reports, plans, public sector notices, tax assessments and other material, non-proprietary third-party reports, studies, tests and documentation relating to the physical condition of the property, in Landlord's possession or control, and (ii) copies of all leases and contracts that Tenant would be expected to assume upon closing of the sale of the property to Tenant.

08/07/2017 (RingCentral Inc)